Friday, August 31, 2007

Return to the City that Never Sleeps

Day 2. I am home. Kind of.

While I am physically back in what grew up knowing as home, I feel that something has changed.I feel like I am too big for this place, and rather than just dealing with that, I am trying to be polite and respectful and am feeling very timid. I have to figure out how to act with people. In other places it was easy, I had someone along the way to tell me what was polite.. here i am on my own, so to speak.

My world feels very topsy turvy. I cannot wait for my love to get here. I have his picture as my wallpaper and truthfully, just gazing at that picture makes me melt and feel completely whole, all at once. He truly completes me and makes me feel like someone I want to be, someone I like. Each thing I watch on tv makes me think of him, and think of something I want to tell him but usually can't.

On the plus side: Only 11 more days until I can be in his arms, hear his voice by laying my head on his chest, and feeling his loving calmness just trap me for the few, wonderful days I have him.

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